Monday, October 04, 2004

- We have added our Christmas Category. It's not quite up to date, but we wanted to get it up early this year. We will be adding lots more free Christmas related websites to it.

- We added a Mount Saint Helens Volcano page. We link to the Johnston Ridge Observatory live camera. - The images automatically refreshes every 5 minutes.

- - The auction site we have used for the past 3 years, to sell our advertising has been sold and taken down. Hopefully we'll find another similar site so we can continue with our advertising revenue. It really helps a lot with funding our contests.

- Here's a hidden link on our site for those of you that take the time to read our updates. We added some music videos to our site. They open into a new browser and are free to listen to. The list of songs isn't too big, but we pretty much just made the page for friends to listen to. We may add a few more videos in the future. Enjoy!

Well that's all the latest news from our site. Have a Great Day!

It's a BIG world, see it all!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

- We had a professional banner created by . We will be adding a page with all our banners for those who want to link to our site. Here's the banner they created for us.

- We have added 3 more sites to the Network making it a total of 6 domain names we now own. Here are the 3 new ones if you're interested -

The College Basket site forwards to another one of our categories for the time being. We may start a new site and sell college and pet baskets.

The Hemp Store site forwards to one of our new affiliates. Right now we have it linking to a Hemp Candy site.

The Holiday Shops site currently goes to our Halloween category. We will be sending visitors to our Christmas/Thanksgiving category when we get it completed later this month.

- We've also added an NCAA Football page to our sports section. It offers team standing, matchups, a new ticker and some other useful information.

That's all for now. Have a great day!
It's a BIG world, see it all!

Friday, September 10, 2004

- We made minor adjustments to the main page design, adding a Google Search Tool to the top of the page. We also changed the rotating advertisements at the top of the page to add more free offers and contest sites. Hopefully these changes will allow people to get more out of our site.

Have a great day,

It's a BIG world, see it all!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

- We have added our yearly Halloween Category to our site and we'll keep it up until November 1st. Hopefully it will be able to help people find the costume they want or special treats to give to the kids.

- The winners page was redisigned and has all the winners as of September 1st. We have changed the format around a little allowing people to see where the winner lives, but only giving the winners first name and last name initial. I originally wanted to list the winners this way, but for some reason never did, until now.

- I hope to have the Nonprofit Category in link mode before long, as it is now there's only banners on the page. It takes too long to load for people with dial up. Also we'll be able to add more sites to the page with better descriptions of the nonprofit programs.

- There will also be a Basketball Category added before this years season starts. The same format as with the other sports, listing the teams on the left side and related links on the right.

Well that's all the updates for now. I hope everyone had a good summer.

Kristian Pulz
It's a BIG world, see it all!

Friday, August 06, 2004

- We slightly changed the form on our Pick n' Win Contest Page. We also added some more prizes. Plus we had the most winners we've ever had with in the last 2 weeks. Congratulations to everyone that won a prize.

- We are considering adding a new Back to School category.

- We decided not to create a Summer category, perhaps next summer.

- We have purchased a rather large advertising campaign from . We'll let everyone know how it turns out after we receive all the promised traffic. They do offer good prices, but we'll have to see what kind of quality traffic they send.

- We're still working on adding more contests to our site. Just trying to figure out where to put the links on the main page so people can enter.

- We changed the prize for our quiz contest from an Amazon Gift Certificate to an iTunes Gift Certificate. We're always looking for prizes that people worldwide can win.

- I was hoping more people would write some comments about our site in our Forums page. Let us know if you like and if there's anything you would like to see added.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Good luck to everyone entering our contests. Have a great August!

It's a BIG world, see it all!

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

- The quiz script has been fixed by our awesome support team, through our hosting company . The new quiz contest is up and running.

- We have created a new category - Free Advertising Sites - Sites offering free advertising for webmasters and website owners.
It's a BIG world, see it all!

Saturday, June 19, 2004

- We are having problems with our quiz script. I was able to create a new quiz, but when I tried to test it the page timed out. Our hosting support team is looking into the problem, hopefully they'll fix it soon. For the time being I will have to keep the old quiz contest going until the problem is fixed. All entries will still count toward the current quiz contest. Sorry for the delay...
It's a BIG world, see it all!

Friday, May 14, 2004

- For the first time in over 4 years of running I received an email from our host company informing me that at the rate we are going this month, we will go over our limit for traffic allowed per month. To me, that's great news! It's nice to finally get a nice run of people visiting the site.

- Just a quick apology for the past delays on the new bi-monthly quiz's. It takes 2 to 3 hours per quiz, to find trivia questions and verify there answers. So, I'm sorry for the delay at times to get a new one up on time. Even if the date has passed, all entries are added to the current contest.

Thanks again for reading our updates,
It's a BIG world, see it all!

Friday, April 16, 2004

- This is our first post for this year. We had some problems with the in-house Sitebuilder so we didn't get to show any site news and updates towards the end of last year. Having to do everything free hand I decided to do the updates Blog style from now on.

- We will be listing all the categories on our main page in alphabetical order. We just have to finish up a few things first.

- Currently working on a new category Summer Fun, or something along those lines. Sites related to summer from BBQ grills to bathing suits.

- Maybe adding 3 more contests to our site. Trying to figure out where we can add the links for the new contests without having to change the main page too much. The contests will be a referral contest, report broken links contest, and another daily contest to end every 3 months.

- Still working on the About Us page, just bought a digital camera so I'll probably add some pictures of the people behind the scenes.

- We've been experimenting with pop ups and other forms of advertising on the site, sorry if this bothers anyone. Just trying to keep the revenue up.

That's all for this entry, hopefully we can get more interaction with the visitors through message boards, polls and such soon. Thanks for reading the updates.

Kristian Pulz
It's a BIG world, see it all!